For Contact Center Managers

Improve Agent Performance & Onboarding
MiaRec makes it faster and easier to onboard, train, and manage your agents, improve their performance, and ensure compliance.

Accurate Performance Reporting When & Where You Need It
Never be in the dark again. Performance reports can be automatically delivered and then shared with stakeholders.

Get More Insights From Every Customer Interaction
Transform every interaction into an opportunity to learn more about your customers by visualizing trends and topics.
Easy-to-Use. Feature-Rich. Innovative.
Do you have to account for every minute and every dollar spent? Are stressed about meeting your KPIs? Are you notoriously understaffed or feel like you are overspending on people or technology? Do you worry that your remote agents aren't getting enough support?
MiaRec transforms this stressful environment into an efficient contact center where agents have all the tools they need to perform at peak and supervisors can confidently manage their agents through a single pane of glass.
Real-time Dashboard
Get an at-a-glance view of calls-per-day, call duration, active calls, and more.
Remote Agent Support
Live Monitoring
Agent Evaluation
Agent Scoring
Screen Recording
Call Context
Advanced Audio Player
On-Demand Call Recording

Ready To Get Started?
Are you ready to see how MiaRec could transform your contact center to be more efficient and provide better customer service?