
Topics & Categories

MiaRec Advanced can automatically categorize calls belonging to a certain topic or category. MiaRec Topical Analysis is based on Generative AI technology and is highly accurate and able to understand context of the whole conversation rather than relying on keywords. Leverage Topical Analysis to easily see main call drivers, catch potential problems faster, and vastly improve customer experience. 

Detect Trends Faster

With MiaRec Topics, you can identify quickly and reliably what your customer base is thinking. You can see how customers like your new feature or marketing campaign — giving you a finger on the pulse at all times.

Improve Customer Experience

By being able to categorize your customer interactions, you are able to know what your customers want and need, which allows you to provide a better customer experience in your contact center and beyond.

Catch Problems Early

Identify any potential issues before they escalate further by detecting even the smallest changes in the volume of related calls, e.g., intervene immediately if customers are calling about shipping or supply issues.

How Topics Will Help You

MiaRec's Topics & Categories feature:

  • Categorizes calls by topics,
  • Calculates the aggregated call score (both on the agent and customer side) to detect potential issues or opportunities,
  • Displays call volume trends by topic over time, and
  • Provides you the ability to search calls by topic, keyword, or score.
This means there is no need for labor- and resource-intensive manual analysis of random recordings. Because this process is automated, you have complete coverage of voice interactions in the contact center rather than the fraction you were able to analyze manually. 

Discover & Analyze Trends Across All Topics

As a supervisor, you can easily and quickly analyze call volume trends per topic over time, e.g., changes in the number of calls related to shipping issues from last month to this month. This includes the total number of calls for each topic for a whole period as well as a trend diagram, which shows any changes in call volume over the last seven trend periods. Trend periods can be days, weeks, months, quarters, or years. 

By default, the Trend Analysis page shows the topics with the number of total calls, starting with the highest number of calls shown at the top. You can change that by toggling between options to find the view that suits you best.

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Dive Deeper Into Individual Topic Trend Analysis

You can also analyze trends and metrics for individual topics. This includes a chart that displays trends over time, e.g., the number of calls to this topic this week versus last week. In addition, MiaRec will calculate various other metrics, such as total/minimum/maximum/average calls per period or keywords. Below the chart, you will see the calls related to that analysis, including the relevant excerpts and keywords used. 

In addition, you can filter your data by selecting other/more criteria, such as group, call duration, call direction, and other attributes.

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See How Topics & Categories Can Transform Your Organization