Update The MiaRec Web Portal
Please note: this is legacy documentation. Please check out https://docs.miarec.com/all/ for the most up-to-date documentation and user guides.
Use these instructions only if MiaRec has been installed manually (depreciated).
1. Download The Latest MiaRec Web Portal Files
Fill out the Download form to get access to the latest version of MiaRec.
Extract this archive.
tar -xzvf miarecweb-*.tar.gz
2. Rename The Old MiaRec Web Application Files
It is recommended to rename the existing MiaRec web portal folder instead of removing it. This will allow you to restore the old version if necessary.
mv /var/www/miarec/app /var/www/miarec/app-`date +"%m-%d-%Y"`
3. Install The New Version Of The MiaRec Web Application
Move the extracted new files to /var/www/miarec/app
mv miarecweb-*/ /var/www/miarec/app
Clear cache (pre-compiled templates):
rm -rf /var/www/miarec/cache/*
4. Upgrade MiaRec Database Layout
Activate python virtual environment.
source /var/www/miarec/pyenv/bin/activate
Make sure the development packages of libxml2 and libxslt are installed:
yum install libxml2-devel libxslt-devel
Install/update miarecweb application:
pip install -e /var/www/miarec/app
Run database migration script (alembic):
alembic -c /var/www/miarec/production.ini upgrade head
Tip: if execution of the database migration script takes more than 5 minutes, then probably some database tables are locked by other processes and the migration script waits till lock is released. To fix that issue, you need to stop other services, which are using MiaRec database.
Open another SSH window and execute the following commands:
service httpd stop
service celeryd stop
service celerybeat stop
5. Restart Apache & Celery Services
service httpd restart
service celeryd restart
service celerybeat stop
service celerybeat start