
Transform your CX and Operations
With Generative AI

Get full visibility into your contact center's top call drivers with Generative AI Sentiment Analysis. Streamline post-call tasks and boost CX and AHT with AI Call Summaries.

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Understand Sentiment

Learn how your customers feel by coupling agent evaluations with sentiment analysis. 

Automate Post-Call Work

Let Generative AI do the work for you and create automated call summaries in any format you need.

Improve CX

Unlock invaluable insights from call data, including customer feedback, and more.

Do you want to get insights into why your customers are calling you and how they feel about your brand?

  • Manual post-call notes are time-consuming and result in errors and inconsistency.
  • Agents are struggling to provide great customer service while achieving low AHT due to the manual typing of post-call summaries.
  • Post-call surveys are providing insufficient insight into the customer's sentiment.
  • Blind spots and a lack of coherent data mean your customer service quality and contact center efficiency are suffering, and you are not meeting your KPIs. 

Are you wondering if there is a better way? Now there is!

Burned Out Contact Center Agent
The Solution

Transform Your CX With MiaRec Advanced AI

Sentiment Analysis

MiaRec's unique Generative AI sentiment analysis allows you to understand at a glance how your customers feel about the topic. 

This enables you to keep track of trends, determine specifically bad calls for follow-up, identify training gaps, and much more.


Flexible Automated Call Summaries

MiaRec Auto Call Summary uses your call transcripts to recap conversations between agent and customer. Automating post-call procedures will save your agents time and energy, freeing them up for more high-value tasks.

Generative AI-based MiaRec Call Summary feature offers remarkable flexibility for customizing your summary style. Whether you prefer structured or unstructured summaries or perhaps just Key Facts combined with automatic Call Categorization (Call Type), the choice is yours.


Live Call Monitoring

The Live Monitoring feature lets supervisors listen to individual ongoing calls or in real-time or consecutive calls of a particular agent over time, allowing them to step in to de-escalate occurring issues if needed. Live call listening can help improve customer service and be used to train new employees.

MiaRec's Live Monitoring feature is platform-agnostic and does not depend on a specific phone system. All you need is call recording performed by MiaRec along with MiaRec Advanced licenses.

Live Monitoring

Get Full Visibility Into Your Contact Center Operations and Elevate CX Using Generative AI

How To Get Started


Experience MiaRec

The first step is to experience MiaRec's Conversation Intelligence yourself. You can try it out right now using our online demo (no sign-up required), or schedule a product demo with one of our Contact Center AI experts.


Calculate Your ROI

Now, it is time to calculate the ROI (try out our savings calculator), create a detailed business case, and to implement a trial (POC). Our team is here to help you get the tools and data you need to prove to your buying committee that there is not risk.


Transform Your CX

Now to the fun part: you have evaluated MiaRec, compared it to other solutions, and made your choice. Now it is time to implement it. Implementation is completed within a few days and you are all set to start transforming your Contact Center operations.

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